max.jpg (3459 bytes)


  • steel


  • The MAX concept originates with Columbus research. The steel used is Nivacrom; thanks to its extraordinary toughness, the tubes thickness has been cut to 0.4mm, making the tubes extremely light. A standard section in a so thin tube would normally make the frame too flexible and so reduce riding performance. i.e. part of the energy generated during pedaling would translate into bicycle deformation. To reduce the flexibility in a MAX tube down to optimum level, the diameters of the tubes need to be increased. In the MAX set this is done selectively, by adopting elliptical sections in areas under the greatest stresses, which are oriented with their major axis along the direction of the stress itself. In the steering area, which is particularly vulnerable to the stresses induced by terrain, the top and down tubes have major axes in longitudinal plane. By contrast, in the areas around the bottom bracket, the top and down tubes have their major axis in transversal plane, in order to better withstand the alternate oscillation which is especially high during sprints.


Spares available, down tubes, seat tubes, chain stays, fork blades.

MAX road frame


TT MAXL11 a L=600, 635, 650 0.7/0.4/0.7 227 g maxl11.jpg (4558 bytes)
DT MAXL12 a L=650, 0.8/0.5/0.8 305 g maxl12.jpg (5091 bytes)
ST MAXL13 a L=635, 0.8/0.5 276 g maxl13.jpg (4311 bytes)
CS MAXL14OV a L=410, 0.6 138 g maxl14ov.jpg (3097 bytes)
SS MAX615OV a L=560, 0.7 114 g max615ov.jpg (2793 bytes)
HT SL0I18 a L=180, 1
 600mm lengths available
84 g or0g18.jpg (1710 bytes)
FB MAXL16V2 a L=390, 0.9/0.6
Non Columbus MAX aero blades fully profiled also stocked.
160 g maxl16v2.jpg (3630 bytes)
SC SL0I17 a 25.4, L=180-320, 2/1.55 300mm unthreaded available 175 g el0i172.jpg (2624 bytes)

Weight of 8 tubes for 54 cm centre to centre frame = 1376 g